Vineyard Connexxion is a church plant of Vineyard Christian Fellowship Canada ( within the Greater Toronto Area. We are evangelical Christians with certain distinctiveness in terms of values and emphases. Please scroll down to find out more information about us.



Our statement of faith can be found here (download pdf).


The video clip below summarizes our core values in Vineyard Connexxion:




Jesus proclaimed in Mark 1:15 – “The time has come. The Kingdom of God has come near, Repent and believe the good news!”  God promises a future Kingdom that is characterized by love and peace, where there will be no more pain and suffering. Through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, these benefits of the future Kingdom have broken into our present time!

In particular, the four gospels highlight different aspects of Jesus’ unique characteristics. These facets of Christ's attributes have been linked to "the four faces of the cherubim [special angelic beings]" in Ezekiel 1 & Revelation 4:

“Lion” – His Kingship and reign over our lives

“Ox” – His attitude of servanthood & ultimate sacrifice on the cross

“Human being” – the compassion of God as our Father, and Jesus as our friend; gifts and empowerment by the Holy Spirit

“Eagle” – His divine attributes and triumph over evil

These characteristics of Jesus Christ evoke certain responses from us as believers. In Vineyard Connexxion, we seek to emphasize all these different perspectives in our daily lives & church teaching.


Our distinctiveness:


We are all imperfect & broken individuals who desperately need to be renewed & healed by God’s power. We place a high value on “being real,” appearing to be what we are and being what we appear. We encourage everyone to “come as you are.” We’ll look sad when we’re sad and happy when were happy! We’ll strive to answer questions honestly and say we don’t know when we don’t know. Honest relationships are a safeguard from a superficial church culture and from hypocrisy.

Radical middle:

While we place a strong emphasis on “partnering with the Holy Spirit” in terms of physical/emotional healing and miraculous interventions from God, we try to keep a balance between “the already and not yet” perspectives. We seek to pray for healing for people but sometimes not everyone is healed. This position helps us to acknowledge both miracles & suffering. 


God has called us into an intimate relationship with Him. We experience this intimacy through worship & prayer. 


Anyone who has been touched by God’s compassion cannot help but to share it with others. We lean towards the lost, the poor, and the marginalized. We believe that Christian ministry should be expressed in concrete ways as an act of worship.


Housegroups are the primary settings in which all the ingredients mentioned above can take place. 

We do not have Sunday service at the present time, but do plan to hold corporate worship on Sundays in the future. 

We are hoping that children/youth ministries are carried out based on the same ingredients and perspectives, in a way that is fun & sensitive to each kid’s unique characteristics.


A network of housegroups where individuals can encounter the love of Jesus, learn to love one another and serve the community in practical and supernatural ways.